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Kimchi Tofu Hot Pot
Kimchi Tofu Hot Pot
A simple and convenient kimchi tofu pot, hot and sour soup, warm and satiety.
ngredients: plate tofu half box
200g pork belly
1/4 carrot
1/4 onion
1/4 bowl of kimchi
1/3 handful of enoki mushrooms
1 egg
a little chopped green onion
minced garlic 3 pieces
Seasoning: 1 tsp miso
1 tsp Korean chili paste
Process operation
Kimchi Tofu Hot Pot - Kimchi Tofu Hot Pot | Taiwan-Based Soybean Processing Equipment Manufacturer Since 1989 | Yung Soon Lih Food Machine Co., Ltd.
Based in Taiwan since 1989, Yung Soon Lih Food Machine Co., Ltd. has been a Kimchi Tofu Hot Pot manufacturer that is specilized in soy bean, soy milk and tofu making sectors. Unique design soy milk and tofu production lines built with ISO and CE certifications, sold in 40 countries with solid reputation.
We are the first food machine manufacturer whom developed the European Tofu turn-key production line, which can produce Asian Tofu, and Soy Milk processing equipment. Our tofu production machines are specially design and able to produce Tofu Burger, Vegetable Tofu, Smoked Tofu, Tofu Sausage to satisfy consumers' demand from the American and European market.